Capacity Strengthening for Regional Association in Landscape-Level Planning and Ecosystem Monitoring
This project aims to strengthen Regional Associations’ capacity for landscape-level planning, coordination, and ecosystem management. Many associations struggle to influence planning and monitoring, so the project provides targeted training, resources, and support to address these gaps. Efforts focus on improving communication with Boards, Secretariats, and members, following the Ministry of Environment’s FPIC guidelines. Key interventions include advocating for conservancies’ inclusion in local planning, pushing for the Baringo County Conservancy Fund Bill 2021, improving governance through leadership training, and enhancing BCCA’s visibility and branding to increase awareness and support.
Climate Action for Resilient Ecosystems, Wildlife and Communities in Baringo Landscape
With support from WWF, the project is promoting conservation and climate-compatible investments in Baringo’s community conservancies using nature-based Solutions (NbS) strategies, land degradation assessments, and restoration measures. The project emphasizes inclusivity, participation, and capacity development to mitigate the impacts of climate change in Baringo.
Nature Based Solutions Strategic Framework for Baringo Landscape Conservancies
The environmental challenges we face today- from the escalating impacts of climate change to the alarming loss of biodiversity, demand an urgent and well-coordinated response. As a global community, we must align conservation efforts with sustainable development goals to secure a viable future for all. Nature-based solutions (NBS), grounded in the strength and resilience of ecosystems, offer a vital pathway forward. Research shows that NBS, along with land-sector initiatives, could contribute up to 30% of the climate mitigation required by 2050 to meet the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming.
Baringo Conservancies Project – Lessons Learnt 2021
We are highlighting our Key achievements and Impact (2019 -2021) , the Lessons Learnt while working on this project and the recommendations for further improvement in the coming years.
Baringo County Conservancies Profile Report 2020
The Baringo County Conservancies Profile Report demonstrates the current status of community conservancies in Baringo and highlights significant gaps and opportunities to develop the conservancy movement through which ecosystems services will be enhanced and local livelihoods supported.
Strategic Plan 2020 – 2024
Since 2017, we have consistently worked towards establishing the organization as a fully functional entity with significant efforts towards developing our governance structures and securing financing for programs and core costs. This Strategic Plan charts the next phase in BCCA’s development as an organization, including its vision, mission, goals and management objectives.
Assessing the Conservation Status and Opportunities For Community Conservancies In Baringo County
This document gives status review, opportunities and management status of various conservations in Baringo County. Data collection and analysis included a multidisciplinary approach from the stakeholder engagement, who provided unique information from their various conservancies. The existing conservations are namely: Kiborit, Irong, Chuine, Kiborgoch, Sinibo, Ngenyin, Kabarion, Morop Tarambas, Kamgoin, Kimg’ochoch, Kiplombe, Ruko and Kaptuya. It also outlines potential conservancies, some geared towards peacekeeping and improvement of livelihood for the communities around them.
Lake Bogoria Conservancies Landscape Land Use Plan
This document sets out a 5-year land use plan for the Lake Bogoria Conservancies Landscape (LBCL) and business plans for Irong , Kiborgoch and Chuine Wildlife Conservancies. The Land Use and business Plans were prepared by the Lake Bogoria Conservancies Landscape (LBCL) community through a participatory planning process involving the conservancies’ officials, County Government officials, other Lake Bogoria landscape stakeholders and technical specialists.