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- Create Date September 9, 2021
- Last Updated September 9, 2021
Assessing the Conservation Status and Opportunities For Community Conservancies In Baringo County
This document gives status review, opportunities and management status of various conservations in Baringo County. Data collection and analysis included a multidisciplinary approach from the stakeholder engagement, who provided unique information from their various conservancies. The
existing conservations are namely: Kiborit, Irong, Chuine, Kiborgoch, Sinibo, Ngenyin, Kabarion, Morop Tarambas, Kamgoin, Kimg’ochoch, Kiplombe, Ruko and Kaptuya. It also outlines potential conservancies, some geared towards peacekeeping and improvement of livelihood for the communities
around them.
One main key aspect of the assessment was to understand the land tenure for each conservancy in Baringo County. Most of the conservancies are still under communal land ownership. Assessment existing and potential livelihoods of communities was undertaken. Numerous opportunities and enterprises were assessed and analyzed. Implementation strategy and matrix for each conservancy is presented in this document. It concludes by providing measures and recommendations based on the gaps and needs that require concerted efforts.