Kaptuya Community Wildlife Conservancy

Conservancy Details

Sub County: Tiaty East
Landscape: Lake Baringo
Distance from main Town: 116 Kms
Conservancy Size: 8093 Ha
Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism


Sub County: Tiaty East
Landscape: Lake Baringo
Distance from main Town: 116 Kms
Conservancy Size: 8093 Ha
Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism


  • To protect and conserve the existing wildlife species
  • To promote the population, increase through translocation of wildlife
  • To ensure safety and security of wildlife and human persons
  • To use conservation initiative as peace model for pokots and njemps
  • To create employment for the benefit of the communities of rugus and komolion through tourism
  • To utilize wildlife for tourism with focus of diversification of livelihoods support

A habitat for hippo during wet season, presence of an artificial dam called Cherubo in the conservancy, wild pigs