Consultancy Opportunities

The objective of this bid is to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to provide a Risk
Management strategy to BCCA

Deadline: 25th January 2023

Baringo County Conservancies Association are seeking services of a qualified individual consultant, consortium or a firm of experts to submit technical and financial proposal for the development of corporate governance policy and succession plan for Baringo County Conservancies Association. This will in turn assist in contributing towards appropriate internal controls, transparent and accountability in service delivery.

Deadline: 25th January 2023

The objective of the consultancy is to develop a resource mobilisation strategy that clearly outlines the
approach for soliciting, managing, reporting and monitoring resources to order to broaden resource
channels and mobilise and effectively utilise resources to ensure the stability of the organisation.

Baringo County Conservancies Association are seeking services of a qualified individual consultant, consortium or a firm of experts to submit technical and financial proposal for the development of a participatory and practical management plan for Lake Bogoria Conservancies in accordance to the Wildlife Conservation and management act 2013, conservancy regulations of 2015 and the Kenya Wildlife Services Management plan guidelines for protected areas of 2016